
Why Physiotherapy during times of COVID

Why Physiotherapy during times of COVID

Working - Physio in the Six

COVID-19 has resulted in drastic lifestyle changes all around the world. Workplaces were forced to reduce the number of workers and many companies enforced a work from home order without the correct ergonomic supports provided. Initially, working from home presented with many advantages, however going into the 2nd year, the stresses of work from home are becoming more and more evident.

Not only has it affected the worker’s work-life balance and their privacy, but is manifesting in mental, emotional and physical health ailments. What remains the same is the workload, and in some cases it has drastically increased. Without the correct office equipment many find themselves sitting in their bedrooms, on the couch, or at their breakfast bar. This ‘new’ normal has led to either sedentary lifestyle or for others heightened motivation to achieve their health goals.

Regardless, both come at a risk.

Adapting to these new work environments and improper ergonomic setups has shown to affect muscular strength, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and so called “Covid weight gain’. Increased stress levels combined with improper sitting posture has resulted in a reduced range of motion in the neck, upper back, and pelvis.

On the other hand, many have been implementing new health goals to their routine.  The positive effects of physical exercise on mental health and physical health are undeniable. However, physiotherapists are seeing more and more injuries from overcompensating for the ‘lack of movement’ in their daily routine or by attempting exercises that do not match their fitness level.

Physiotherapy has been deemed essential, and notably has been sought out to help with these adaptive changes. Injuries commonly seen are headaches, rotator cuff tendinitis, carpal tunnel, low back pain, sciatica, sprains….and the list goes .

Physios are experts in body mechanics and how each system integrate with each other. They recommend corrective stretches, strengthening, education and even provide ergonomic suggestions that suit your needs, whether it be in-person or virtual treatment sessions.

Knowledge is key to your own rehab success and who best to help than Physiotherapists.

Call a physio nearby and discuss the solutions we can provide to the challenges you face today.  Allow them to help guide you through it. Stay safe and wear a mask!