What Is A Concussion?
A concussion is a clinical condition that usually results in a temporary change in brain function. Although the brain is well protected by the skull and surrounding cerebrospinal fluid, these structures are not always able to protect the brain from injury.
Any trauma that involves a direct “blow to the head” or violent shaking can override these protective structures and lead to a concussion. Essentially, the rapid movement of the brain can result in a “bang” against the skull leading to harmful changes in the brain/brain tissue thus interfering with normal brain function.
Concussion symptoms can appear immediately or have a delayed onset, however, the vast majority resolve by themselves within a short time period. Studies suggest, once a person suffers a concussion, even a mild bump on the head or a vigorous shake can further aggravate the already sensitized tissues of the brain.
If concussion symptoms persist, known as post-concussion syndrome, it can lead to serious long-term health effects and can affect the quality of life. This is considered by experts as a desperate condition that needs different treatment approaches.
What are the symptoms of a concussion?
A concussion can not be identified or diagnosed with standard imaging tools like MRI and CAT scans. Instead, healthcare providers look for signs and symptoms of abnormal brain function to make a diagnosis.
Keep in mind, every person’s brain is different and every injury is different so symptoms can vary from person to person.
Common symptoms include:
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Visual changes
- Balance and walking changes
- Motion sensitivity
- Sleep disturbances
- Nausea
- Fatigue
Other symptoms after a concussion may include:
- Memory changes and confusion
- Mood changes
- Slurred speech
When to seek help for a concussion?
Left untreated, concussions can even inhibit growth in young children and bring on early dementia in older patients. Fortunately, the physiotherapy field is continually discovering new ways to help patients suffering from long-term concussion complications. If you believe you have suffered a concussion, please contact Physio In The Six Inc. so we can do a thorough exam and get you on a recovery plan.
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