
Nutrition Counseling with a Registered Dietitian

A Whole-Person Approach to Improving Nutrition

Have you ever considered the role of diet in improving your sports performance or optimizing your health goals? Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or simply want to achieve a certain wellness goal, understanding your nutritional needs can help make all the difference!

The Registered Dietitian at Physio In The Six Inc. takes the time to understand your needs and provide personalized nutritional guidance that meet your unique lifestyle. And because we recognize that health is about mental and physical wellness, we strive to ensure our patients maintain a positive relationship with food while working on their goals.

No matter where you’re starting from, we’ll help you get there! Request an appointment today.

What Our Nutrition Services Can Do For You

Our expert dietitians have experience to provide you with the knowledge and advice you need to achieve your nutritional goals:

  • Sports Nutrition: No matter what sport you compete in, we’ll help ensure your nutritional needs are met. With a few simple changes, you can see significant improvements in your overall performance and reduce your risk of injury.
  • Disease Management and Prevention: Diet plays a big role in managing or preventing several chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, GI issues and more. We’ll provide you with simple, sustainable changes to improve your health.
  • Body Composition: Whether you want to lose fat or gain muscle mass, we’ll provide the nutritional guidance to meet your goals.
  • Healthy Aging: Aging healthfully is a multifaceted process that includes plenty of physical activity, staying engaged in your community–and eating healthy, nutritious meals. We’ll show you how to incorporate proper nutrition into your day-to-day life.

What to Expect from Our Dietitian Services

Nutrition is a complex topic, and there’s a lot of misinformation available. Our registered dietitians will give you a research based approach for your health and overall wellness goals.

We’ll begin with a comprehensive assessment to discuss your health history and what you hope to get from our dietetic services. If appropriate, we can perform body assessments to determine body composition, helping us set a baseline to know what to work toward.

From there, we offer several services that can help you better understand your nutritional needs:

  • Personalized Nutrition counselling and education
  • Meal planning
  • Grocery store tours
  • Strategies for tracking your progress

We also tailor our approach based on your unique nutritional needs, offering personalized suggestions for a variety of cultural backgrounds, dietary restrictions and preferences (vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian etc) or gluten-free diets. We’re also sensitive to the mental health requirements of those in recovery from disordered eating habits.

Ready to begin exploring nutrition in a fun, sustainable way? Schedule an appointment at our Etobicoke clinic to get started!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!