
Concussion Management

What Is Concussion Therapy?

Concussion rehabilitation is a specialty within Physiotherapy where evidenced-based treatment protocols are used to address the symptoms of a concussion and/or post-concussion syndrome.

Our physiotherapists have specialized concussion management education to help patients with safe and optimal recovery time (optimal does not necessarily mean fast).

Your physiotherapist will perform a thorough evaluation of your neurological system including eye tracking and eye movements, musculoskeletal system, and balance systems, and determine tolerance for exertion. Once the assessment is performed, your physiotherapist will prescribe a treatment program individualized to suit your specific needs and tailored to fit your tolerance.

What Does Concussion Therapy Look Like?

Concussion management will utilize strategies such as targeted massage, specific stretches, and even eye motion training to reduce headaches and nausea following a concussion. Physiotherapy programs for concussion often incorporate vestibular therapy, which helps you orient yourself during periods of lightheadedness or loss of balance. To encourage this, your physiotherapist will introduce you to specialized activities. Some examples include fixing your gaze at a certain point in the distance or using simple movements to stabilize your core and limbs. With proper guidance, these strategies can be incredibly successful in improving the quality of life as you recover from a concussion.

Treatment techniques can include:

  • Manual therapy for neck and headache concerns
  • Education, symptom relief, desensitization therapies
  • Balance training
  • Neck rehab therapy
  • Sub-symptom cardio exercise
  • Vision rehabilitation therapy
  • Vestibular rehabilitation therapy
  • Cognitive rehabilitation therapy
  • Activity reconditioning

Contact Us Today!

A concussion is not something you can ignore. Regardless of the perceived severity, following a brain injury it is incredibly important that you check in with a physician to ensure that there is no potential for lasting brain damage. If you or a loved one have experienced a concussion, contact Physio In The Six Inc. to learn more about concussion treatment and therapy options.

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!