
IASTM In Etobicoke, ON

Are you looking for help treating chronic pain?

You need to hear about IASTM!

Do you suffer from persistent back or neck pain or recently suffered a sprain or strain? If so, you know just how limiting, and painful everyday activity can be. Whether you are dealing with acute or chronic pain, instrumented assisted (IASTM) soft tissue mobilization offers relief from your pain and multiple other benefits as well!

Our physiotherapists at Physio In The Six Inc. use instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) treatments for acute and chronic pain. Often the pain is the result of multiple variables affecting one another. Fortunately, our team understands the interconnection of our bodies’ systems and how to incorporate any tool needed to get you the results you deserve!

Our physiotherapists use a special device (i.e., a plastic or metal tool) to scrape the skin to elicit an increased blood flow response to the location of pain and surrounding tissues. Not only will this reduce inflammation, but it can also improve the condition that is causing you pain.

For example, it is very common for people to experience tension and restrictions in the soft tissues around the spinal joints resulting in neck or back pain. Performing IASTM to these restrictions will help you feel less pain, be more mobile, and generally feel better overall!

Contact one of our highly skilled physiotherapists today to learn more about how this technique can help you finally overcome your pain.

What exactly is IASTM?

IASTM is an innovative technique that enables our physiotherapists at Physio In The Six Inc., to effectively treat scar tissue, fascial restrictions, and restrictions in the range of motion that are causing pain.

The technique utilizes specially designed stainless steel and/or plastic instruments to specifically detect and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue restrictions, areas of tension, or chronic inflammation.

A specialized lotion or cream is typically placed on the skin in the area to be treated. This helps the instrument’s edges to scrape along the skin and facilitates the stretch and relaxation of the muscles. IASTM works to break down adhesions and stimulate blood flow to the injured area to facilitate the natural healing process.

IASTM requires the training and expertise of the practitioner using this technique. Different speeds and pressures will be used depending on your needs. When used by a skilled practitioner, this highly effective treatment is not painful and should not cause any bruising.

Request an appointment today to learn about IASTM and to see if it is right for you!

What are the benefits of IASTM at our Etobicoke physiotherapy clinic?

At Physio In The Six Inc., our highly skilled physiotherapists can get to the root of your problems and help you find the relief you have been looking for. Our therapists use IASTM to mobilize the soft tissue affected by injury and help improve and restore your mobility while reducing your pain.

If you have been diagnosed with any of the following conditions or are experiencing pain-associated symptoms, it’s time to contact Physio In The Six Inc. for treatment.

  • Back of Neck pain
  • Muscle strains (i.e., hamstring strain)
  • Tendonopathy (i.e., Tennis elbow, Runner’s knee, and Achilles tendinitis)
  • Shin splints and plantar fasciitis
  • Sprains and strains
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Myofascial pain and restrictions (i.e., IT band syndrome, trigger finger)
  • Post-surgical and traumatic scars

Consult with one of our therapists at Physio In The Six Inc. to find out if IASTM is suitable for you.

Are you ready to put an end to chronic pain?

Contact Physio In The Six Inc. as soon as possible!

If you’re looking for a long-term solution to your chronic pain or limited motion, IASTM may be the solution to reclaim your joyful, pain-free lifestyle.

Request an appointment at our Etobicoke physiotherapy clinic to learn more about how this incredible technology can be the key to your relief!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!